Kichanga Foundation

Kichanga Foundation was propounded in 2005 by the Kichanga lodge founders. It was established for the purpose of the development of Kichanga people so to work on local empowerment sustainable projects. The project focuses on communities’ development special children.The project has focused various aspect of the development such as school and life condition of local communities (Villagers). The school of Michamvi Kae and Michamvi pingue have been improved by the foundation in various aspects.

Potable Water

There are limited sources of water available to provide clean drinking water to the entire population of Africa. Surface water sources are often highly polluted, and infrastructure to pipe water from fresh, clean sources to arid areas is too costly of an endeavor.


From below 350 students, now it has reached above that amount of the students, that we aspect the school to have more students with the best providing education. The schools are rebuilding to look good and influence the education,

The construction of new building as for nursery students, library and computer Lab and toilets. Providing school’s equipment and student’s facilities such are, furniture, Computers,  books, uniforms, shoes  etc. As well as supply of water to the schools and the villages, Kichanga Foundation helps Zanzibar community to improve fishermen, villagers live teaching them how to swim and bringing potable water to the community whilst aiding for the school rebuild guaranteeing work opportunity for the entire village

We value any penny!

Help us create a better place for these children. 
